Enrichment Programs

Little Sun People offers in addition to its standard curriculum, enrichment learning experiences for our students through the following:
Chess is offered weekly to all age groups for 15-30 minutes depending upon child’s attention span. The game of Chess, especially for children, has several cognitive benefits which include: development of analytical, strategic and decision-making skills. Chess can also generate creativity and original thinking, help establish problem solving skills and create a greater ability in Reading, Math, Language and Memorization.
Martial Arts/Karate
The study of martial arts/Karate gives children practice using the body and mind in harmony. The practice is a sport that builds strength, endurance, agility, and the lifelong benefits of confidence and discipline. Martial Arts/Karate practice is offered twice weekly at Little Sun People as an interest club and is open to any child that chooses it.
Dance is a highly physical activity and can improve physical health. It may increase your child’s flexibility; improve cardiovascular health as well as increase balance and coordination. African Dance is offered twice a week at Little Sun People to all class groups.
Monthly Field Trips
Together, our staff listens to the children and observes their interests to arrive at ten broad themes that drives our monthly field trips. The ten broad learning themes correspond with each of the ten months of the regular school year. Examples of some of the study themes have been: Domestic Animal Life; Animals Living in the Wild or in Zoos; Plant Life; the Human Body; Modes of Transportation; Food; Work that People Do; Kwanzaa and much more. For example, class groups may visit prospect park, go apple picking or visit the community garden to explore plant life.
LSP reinforces its African-centered curriculum by teaching our children language from the Diaspora. Languages that have been offered include French and KiSwahili. Children learn basic phrases, words and greetings as well as songs and are given assignments to do at home to reinforce what they have learned in school..
Sports & Play
LSP Is very excited to introduce our Sports & Play program! A new addition to our enrichment offerings that incorporates an organized play component to introduce the fundamentals of soccer, softball, and kickball to our students. All classroom groups will be offered Sports & Play weekly.
Learning to play violin at an early age can improve a child’s concentration; arms and fingers get stronger, attention span and focus improves as well as sharpens the memory. Violin lessons are offered weekly at Little Sun People (for our Zulu Fourior Universal Pre-K class only and select Ife students who show aptitude).
Yoga has a wealth of benefits, but for children it can enhance physical flexibility, refine balance and coordination, develops focus and concentration, and strengthen the mind-body connection. The children LOVE it! Yoga is offered weekly at Little Sun People as an interest club and is open to any child that chooses it.
*Additional Fee Required